This is pretty good! It could use a bit more mixing and mastering just to bring up the volume. Remember, compression is your friend, as long as it's used sparingly. You did well making sure it didn't clip, because I didn't hear any clipping issues. Another thing that could use some work are the lows. I really don't hear very many, but that may be because my headphones aren't the strongest in the low frequencies. If your headphones boost the lows, do the opposite I do and boost a bit more than you think is necessary. Nobody's mixing is going to be perfect for everyone, as almost nobody (if anybody) has completely flat-response headphones. Another thing you could work on is adding some swells, whether that's with the instruments' volume increasing and lowering or if it's with risers. Even just some white noise will do. Some atmosphere could help, for example, in Earthsplitter by Xtrullor (inspirations make the best examples). He adds some rain ambiance throughout the piece, which is almost not audible but adds quite a bit to it. Also, one thing you could do to add more realism is to add some reverb to the instruments. I like to turn the size all of the way up, turn the wetness up about 3/4 of the way, turn the low cut up to about 55-60% and then add small amounts of decay. It really creates the feel that there's an orchestra around you. At least, that works best for me. Well, that's all the advice I can really give... Everything else was pretty good! I can't wait to see you improve when you get better libraries! You've shown that you don't need a ton of plugins to be good at making music :)